I'm 5'6".
Dark blonde hair.
Blue eyes.
I have a daughter Julie 27 & a son Paul 25. I have 2 lovely grand daughters Freya 5 & Harley 2 , also I have 2 lovely niece's Chloe & Charlie. (there's an acurate description of them in my sister's profile). They both play on PAW one is charliechalk the other is charlie5. My sister also play's on PAW & is MI55Y. I enjoy playing yatzy with her & her friend carolinejt62.
Please note that if you should chat to me on PAW & i don't answer you i appologise as it is probably my son. I found out that he's been playing on here when i'm out or baby sitting. (only found out as i was at my sister's when charliechalk was trying to chat to me & could'nt understand how i was on line when i was at her house) pmsl!!! His excuse was "he's boosting my point's for me". Thank you son. lol.
He does tell good jokes if you can catch his attention.
Please feel free to leave me a message in my gb