Offline - 12 years



Hi and thanks for looking in my G.B Not a lot to say but always willing to make new friends so dont be shy and say hello next time your in a game,BooBoo63 is my other half (wife) real good woman with a big heart,and tjlesaint992 is our youngest.we have 5 kids between us and two cats ,love animals as you can see by the photos in my gallery. hope to put some more in so feel free to if you see either online pop in and say hello, i like 60/70 music but will listen to most,love riding bikes off to france again in 2008 with my new machine. goes like a dream,if i am online always willing to chat about anything.we brought ouur own house last year 2007 what a struggle it had been but worth in jeresy is nice but has its disadvantages as it is only 45square miles,and cost a lot to leave the island.but cant complain there is a lot worse out there,would love to move to ausie as i have a lot of family out there,nice big roads for bikeing as well.

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