Offline - 16 years



I was born in Britian (Poole-Bournemouth) but my parents moved to Canada when I was 2.  Nonetheless I still understand many of the British idioms of speaking.  Bubbles and squeak anyone?  However, I'm still having trouble with some of the acronyms used, such as soz, which commonly appear in chat.

I'm not argumentative but I will engage in a good debate if asked to participate.  Occasionally, I'll put my 2 cents worth in the chat.  For the most part though, I'm here to play the games and generally don't get involved in the chat.

I'm currently an admin for GamersCoalition (, mostly in the evenings (after 7:00PM my time). GamersCoalition is a family oriented site dedicated to the on-line version of Half Life.  Our chat is much more restrictive than paw's in that we allow no swearing whether explicit or implicit.  That is to say s**t, wtf and so on would garner you warnings, kicks and bans.  This extends to the choice of player names as well. 

I'm willing to help players new to paw (Play and Win) with general questions as best I can as well as with the games I've already played.

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