Offline - 15 years



smile and the world and,
 the world smiles with you.


Im a happy bunny bouncing round the room.
 I bounce here I bounce there I bounce every where. hee hee hee


I am mad as a hatter. Whooooo.


I am an angel. As my name tells, but one thing it does not say. Im stark raving Mad. hee hee hee


Now that you know im mad. what else can I say. apart from hee hee hee again,But then that would be boring, but then I am a boring person. So I think I shall say yet again.
 hee hee hee


I have been told im old sad and boring. Out of date in the fashion stage, and quiet a few other things to rude to say on here. But I have to say. Who is the one happer with themself.
Yes its me. I enjoy life. I wear what I want. I do what I want. I have hobbies that I find fun. I read a good book and other worlds come alive in my mind. I Married my soul mate my true love.

What about them well they cant be that happy. That they have to pic on someone to make themselfs happy. What sad and lonely people they must be.

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