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this poem was made by my 14 years old daughter for her aunty

A poem from Dannielle Marie Archer to Clare Louise Hudson You were like my best mate, we spent most days together, the night I found out that I lost you it was like a big piece of a jigsaw puzzle missing from my heart, I didn’t know what to say or do, I didn’t believe that the best auntie in the world that I saw just a couple of days ago was gone, except that was wrong you haven’t gone because you’ll always be in my heart forever, when I need help I will look to the star and know you’ll be there watching over me you’re my diamond in the rough you’re my guardian angel, you were always there for me no matter what and you still are, I don’t think that there has been a day gone by that I haven’t thought or spoke of you, I thought the world of you and still do, if a had one wish I would turn back time and keep you here with me, I look to you like a northern star helping the ship get back home, I really wanted you to be there on my 13th birthday to show every one what a great aunty you are, but just remember you’ll always be in our hearts, and nothing will change Lv ya loadz from Dannielle Archer Will all miss ya XxXxX Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xoxoxoxoxoxoXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX
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