Offline - 9 years



What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Sex: MaleFemale
Sexuality: StraightGayBisexual
Flirting Skill Level - 25%
Kissing Skill Level - 75%
Cudding Skill Level - 59%
Sex Skill Level - 100%
Why They Love You You give much more than you receive.
Why They Hate You You bite.
This fun quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 3971058 Times.image
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From image image WHY DO I CRY I cry when im hurt I cry when im lonely I cry when im in pain I cry because of fear I cry when im happy I cry when im loved I cry when someone was just pretending to love me I cry when someone says nice things I cry when someone says bad things I cry when i am stressed I cried when my son needed secial help I cried when i found my son was terminally ill I cried when they said theres no cure I cry every time he gets unwell I cry when both kids smile I cry when both kids open presents I cry on my kids birthdays I cry lots this means i do care I cry lots this mean i do have feelings I cry lots this means i hurt I cry this means i can be happy Because until u cry lots u cant feel How happy u can be when u aint crying Crying means alot Crying can mean your happy to So never forget not to cry Cause crying is special and means alot i have 2 disabled kids aged 13 and 14 both lads , so have my work cut out for me , but i carry on life is good sometimes.please have fun all

have fun peeps i do when i can
life is too short to live it quietly and not having any fun.
So never stop smiling otherwise u will get wrinkles lol

Women and cats will do as they please , and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea





Gentle eyes that see so much ,
paws that have the quiet touch ,
Purrs to signal "all is well"
and show more love than words could tell.
Graceful movements touched with pride ,
a calming presence by our side~
A friendship that takes time to grow~
Small wonder why we love them so.


Every Sunday , a little old lady placed $1 , 000 in the collection
plate. This went on for weeks until the pastor , overcome by
curiosity , approached her.

"Madam , I couldn't help but notice that you put $1 , 000 a week in the collection plate , " he stated.

"Why yes , " she replied , "every week my son sends me money , and what I don't need I give to the church."

The pastor replied... "That's wonderful , how much does he send you?"

The old lady said..... "Oh , $20 , 000 a week."

The pastor was amazed... "Your son is very successful , what does he do for a living?"

"He is a veterinarian , " she answered.
"That is a very honorable profession , " the pastor says. "Where does he practice?"

The old lady says proudly...."Well , he has one cat house in Las Vegas and two in Reno."





A three-year-old boy went with his dad to see a new litter of kittens. On returning home , he breathlessly informed his mother , "There were two boy kittens and two girl kittens."

"How did you know that?" his mother asked.

"Daddy picked them up and looked underneath , " he replied. "I think it's printed on the bottom!"


What cats do fur us

Warm our laps.
Give us someone to talk to.
Help reduce high blood pressure.
Bring the winter air inside , nestled in their coats.
Create a kindred feeling with other "cat people."
Turn common household objects like bottle caps into toys.
Make us more aware of birds.
Donate their services as alarm clocks.
Display daring acrobatic feats right in front of our eyes.
Contribute to living a longer life.
Make a window sill more beautiful.
Keep mice on the run.
Make us smile.
Inspire poets and playwrights.
Teach us how to land on our feet.
Let us indulge our desires to really spoil someone.
Make our homes warmer.
Remind us that life is mysterious.
Share with us the all-is-well experience of purring.
Instruct us in the luxurious art of stretching.
Show us how to lick our wounds and go on.
Give us cool cartoon characters.
Make even an old worn couch look beautiful.
Open our hearts



Member of the Family

What would I do without you ,
My precious , furry friend?
Part mischief , but all blessing ,
And faithful to the end!
You look at me with eyes of love;
You never hold a grudge...
You think I'm far too wonderful
To criticize or judge.
It seems your greatest joy in life
Is being close to me...
I think God knew how comforting
Your warm , soft fur would be.
I know you think you're human ,
But I'm glad it isn't true...
The world would be a nicer place
if folks were more like you!
A few short years are all we have;
One day we'll have to part...
But you , my pet , will always have
A place within my heart.










Oh , what unhappy twist of fate
Has brought you homeless to my gate?
The gate where once another stood
To beg for shelter , warmth and food
For from that day I ceased to be
The master of my destiny.
While he , with purr and velvet paw
Became within my house the law.
He scratched the furniture and shed
And claimed the middle of my bed.
He ruled in arrogance and pride
And broke my heart the day he died.
So if you really think , oh Cat ,
I'd willingly relive all that
Because you come forlorn and then
Well.......don't just stand there...
Come on in





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