Offline - 12 years



I'm 5'2 with brown hair and blue eyes.I'm the cuddly sort of person. I am currently living in Southampton , UK with my partner of 4 years and our daughter who will be 3 in Febuary. I am currently umeployed,so you called call me a full time mum. I love lots of things and these include watching TV , DVD'd and videos. My fav genre is Horror. I love listening to music. I also like collecting stuff to do with my fav shows , Buffy The Vampire Slayer , Angel , X-Files and Care Bears, CSI, and also anything to do with the stars aof these shows( photos, autographs etc) I have met some famous people, some of them even played parts in Angel. And I got their autographs. If you would like to know then just ask me. If you would like to be my friend then please push my button. Or if you would like to leave a message then please do , I will always reply. Once your my friend please feel free to write me a letter , I will always reply. We could become pen pals.

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