Offline - 12 years



Sometimes, “No” has to be so strong
that there are many fences around it to make sure it stays, “No”


"I am not a tease, I am just a reminder, of cant have!"

I am Who I am!

Don't judge me I am who I am,

Friendship is all I have, and I give it where I can.

Don’t diss me for being who I am.

Don’t judge me I am who I am.

Friendship is all I have, and I give it when I can.

Is it so wrong, to be whoever I am.

Friendships mean so much to me, because that is how I am.

If you want to be my friend, then you can,

But friendship is all I have to offer, because that is who I am.

Don't punish me for being who I am,

I am unique, is that so hard to understand.

My heart is mine, my own to keep;

And I won’t give it to any man!

Don't punish me for being how I am!

All I ask for in return,

Please, If you can, just accept me as I am.

© copyright Cryztal


End of an Era!

Soft, peaceful, quietness is all that’s left,,
time almost stood still there for a while,
but no more,, no more worry, fretting
or sleepless nights.. Just peace..

Time is a great healer, and it does work,,
just give anything a little time
and chance, then stand back and enjoy the results,,
of our magical time healer.

Watch as the light starts to shine
through that curtain of peace,
washing away all the stress
of time gone by.

Time for new.. time for fresh cleanness to take over.
Time for the garbage to be put out,
drapes to be opened and the sun to shine in..
Time to smile again.

© copyright Cryztal


                  "Don't Forget We Are All"                      


A Storm Of Emotions…

Emotions all in a turmoil,
Crashing around like thunder.

Whirling around like a tornado
ripping up the insides,
of a crazed, unsteady mind.

Looking for somewhere to land.
Trying to find peace.

Like a fierce sharp fork of lightning,
striking out in a silent scream.

Wishing to be heard.
Not knowing how to make,
those sounds come out loud.

All that pent-up frustration,
like a volcano, ready to erupt.
So much going on inside,
searching to be set free.

No cries to be heard,
or tears to be seen.
Just "emotions"
coming from within.

Resembling heavy rain falls,
from the thick black clouds.
Waiting to spill over, not once.
But, again and again.

Making their way to the fingertips,
flooding over onto a page
of unspoken words.

Like thick clouds bursting,
in the stormy dark skies.

A Storm Of Emotions…
all fighting to be released,
in the dead of the night.

© copyright Cryztal


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