Strengthen your business empire and win 4500 Diamonds. https://www.playandwin.co.uk/games/tower-empire
Strengthen your business empire and win 4500 Diamonds. https://www.playandwin.co.uk/games/tower-empire
Tower Empire is our continuation to the popular Farm Empire. This time, the farm has been replaced with a tower filled with shops. You need to make sure that all shops make money as efficiently as possible by continually upgrading both them and the delivery of goods. There are also milestones to be reached, managers to be hired and honors to be won.
You receive goods in the delivery, transport them to the floors with the elevator and sell them in the shops. That's the flow you need to make sure it works optimally. At the top you can see how much money you have, and not least how much money you make per second. If you compare how much money you make per second with how much respectively the delivery and elevator can deliver, the three numbers should be about the same for your tower to function optimally.
Managers do the trivial work for you, so you just have to concentrate on upgrading the right floors. In addition, managers allow you to activate a boost that will improve a floor for a limited time.
For the floors there are four different types of boosts:
There are three different types of managers: gold, silver and bronze. Depending on their type, their boosts will be larger or smaller. So a gold manager gives the biggest boost, while a bronze manager gives the smallest. However, the gold managers are also the rarest that can be found.
When hiring a manager, a draw is made from a pool where bronze managers each have 33 tickets, silver managers each have 15 tickets, and gold managers each have 2 tickets. However, managers who are already hired are removed from the pool, so the chance of getting a gold manager increases after hiring a bronze manager. If you have hired all the bronze and silver managers on the floor, you are guaranteed to get a gold manager.
When the earnings of your tower start to slow down, it is a good idea to sell the tower. By doing so, you get honors that will make your next tower make more money. If you have played Farm Empire, honors are similar to those in Farm Empire. Honors can also be used for upgrades, but be careful - if you spend all your honors on upgrades, you no longer have it to increase your earnings.
In Tower Empire, there are two things you should try to get at 100%. The first is milestones. Every time a floor reaches a milestone (most often when level is a hundred), it gets a slight improvement. You cannot reach all the milestones without restarting your tower many times. The floor file is a list of the shops you have found through all the restarts. On each floor there are at least three different shops to find, and each shop also has two rare managers that you also need to find to get a complete floor file.
In the game shop you have the opportunity to buy diamonds (for real money), as well as various aids paid for with diamonds. Time travel fastens the time forward, so you can, e.g. get a week's earnings in an instant. Stock replenishment can help you if you have been away from the game and money can help you get started quickly after a reboot. Diamonds can also be used elsewhere in the game, e.g. to change the type of floor you just unlocked or to skip waiting.
Every day you will get between 3 and 10 small tasks where you e.g. need to hire specific managers, reach a number of milestones or buy some levels. When you solve your tasks, you get 5-20 silver stars, which can be redeemed for prizes in the form of diamonds and boost coins. Each month you can collect up to 1500 silver stars. In total, you can get 100 diamonds and 12 boost coins if you reach 1500 silver stars. If you want access to even better prizes, you can also buy super prizes. With super prizes, you get as many as 2000 diamonds and 38 boost coins, if you reach 1500 silver stars. When a new month begins, new prizes are formed and you can once again collect up to 1500 silver stars to get all the prizes. Note that super prizes must be purchased every month if you want to get the best prizes.
When a new month starts, unused boost coins are saved, silver stars are reset and unsolved tasks remain.
When you activate boost coins, your earnings are multiplied for 5 minutes in the tower in which you activate them. There are x3, x10 and up to x200 boost coins. You can collect a maximum of 50 boost coins. Before you can collect more prizes, you must therefore use some of your boost coins first.
There are interest rates on your diamond inventory. If you have more than 2,000 diamonds, you will lose 10% of the diamonds above 2,000 daily. However, you cannot lose any diamonds for the first 90 days after a purchase, so you always have enough time to use the diamonds you have purchased. The games always show you if the negative interest rate applies to you, with a small icon next to your number of diamonds. If you click on the icon, you can see when the interest will be deducted, that is, how much time you have left to get back below 2,000 diamonds. For VIP members, the limit is 5,000 instead of 2,000.
No interest is paid on purchased diamonds. If you buy e.g. 4,500 diamonds, your limit will be 4,500 higher until you have used the purchased diamonds. Purchased diamonds are always used before other diamonds. You can please your friends by donating diamonds that you have earned yourself or bought in the game. You can send diamonds directly to your friends in the game. In the diamond log you can see who you have sent diamonds to and who has donated to you.
When you reach 20% milestones the first time, the game's world map unlocks. Here you can travel to new cities around the world, and build a new tower there. It costs diamonds to unlock a new city, but then you can build your tower there as many times as you want. If one of your towers hits 100% milestones and 100% in the floor file you will have the option to reset it. If you do, you will lose all your honor and have to start all over again on the next tower in the city. In return, you get a star, and in the long run, stars can become very valuable.
With the stars, you can buy diamond mines, thus creating a steady daily diamond income. Once you have purchased your mine, time starts and when it has expired you can collect your diamonds. Only then does the time restart, so make sure to get back in time so you do not lose precious time. If you are a VIP player, you can arrive up to 3 hours late, without losing time on the next round.
Star managers are managers who have the ability to boost all types of boosts - all at the same time. In addition, their presence beautifies the place they are employed as, depending on their work, they either get a golden counter, a golden elevator or golden moving boxes. There are two ways you can get a star manager. You can either be lucky and get one by chance, or you can choose to upgrade one of the managers you have already hired yourself. If you're lucky, one of your employed managers in the tower you're playing will be upgraded automatically. You will simply be notifiedmin a text box that pops up. You are guaranteed a free star manager every 30 days if you haven't found one before then. Alternatively, you can also upgrade a manager yourself by using a star. To do this, simply go into the manager overview and under the selected floor you can use a star to upgrade the manager that is at work. You can upgrade as many managers as you like. When upgrading a manager it's worth remembering that their total boosts get wilder the rarer the manager is. So a gold manager who is upgraded to star manager will have 4x in all boosts plus 75% discount, a silver manager will have 3x in all boosts plus 66% discount and a bronze manager will have 2x in all boosts plus 50 % discount. The star manager will be star manager forever, even after a tower reset, so it's a good idea to consider who to upgrade.
The Circus is an event that visits the game every now and then and appears on the roof of one of the towers in the game. It is only there for a limited time period at a time, and will then reappear on a different roof next time.
The 3-doors game Pick one of three doors and if you are lucky you win a money prize that boosts your current income, otherwise you get a consolation prize. If you happen to open the correct door to the main money prize you have the option to double it by playing another round, or you can take the money that you have already won. If you don’t happen to pick the door with the big money prize, you will gain a hammer instead. This hammer will send the high striker on the left up by one level. When you have struck the high striker ten times, by collecting ten hammers, you win the prize that is shown at the top.
The circus offers a free game every 30 minutes, otherwise you can spend 3 diamonds to play a game.
Elephant Game
The Elephant Game is about making the circus elephant happy and content so that it wants to perform on the podium. This allows you to earn money - but only if you manage to make and keep it happy. The elephant has the following four states: happy, content, unhappy and sad. You can perform the following activities to increase its happiness:
Wild West - Poker Mini-Game
On the roof of the Wild West tower, you can play poker both for free and with a stake of up to nine diamonds. The prize amount depends on your stake and can be seen inside the game by clicking the "i" button on the roof. The prize is always a certain amount of money, which corresponds to your current earnings multiplied by a time travel of a certain length.
Rules: A poker game consists of a minimum of two draws. You draw from a deck of the standard 52 cards, and the goal is to achieve a specific hand that will give you a win. After a draw, you can choose to hold any number of cards to increase your chances of achieving a desired hand. After each draw, you can also choose to cash out the prize immediately, but choose wisely, as you might have the opportunity to get a better hand if you hold some cards and draw again.
Poker Hands: A description of the 11 types of poker hands that give a win follows.
Five of a Kind: Five of a kind can only be achieved by purchasing a joker in the shop. Example: Hearts 2, Clubs 2, Diamonds 2, Spades 2, and a joker.
Royal Flush: The highest possible five cards in sequence and of the same suit. Only from Ten to Ace in the same suit. Example: Hearts 10, Hearts Jack, Hearts Queen, Hearts King, Hearts Ace.
Straight Flush: Five cards in sequence and of the same suit. Example: Spades 6, Spades 7, Spades 8, Spades 9, Spades 10.
Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same value. Example: Hearts 4, Clubs 4, Diamonds 4, Spades 4.
Full House: A pair of the same value and three of a kind of the same value. Example: Hearts 3, Clubs 3, and Spades Queen, Hearts Queen, Diamonds Queen.
Flush: Five cards of the same suit. Arbitrary values. Example: Clubs 3, Clubs 5, Clubs 6, Clubs Queen, Clubs 2.
Straight: Five cards in numerical order and can be across suits. The ace counts both at the top and bottom. Thus, A-2-3-4-5 is the lowest possible straight, while 10-J-Q-K-A is the highest possible. Example: Hearts 10, Clubs 9, Hearts 8, Diamonds 7, Spades 6.
Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same value. Example: Diamonds Queen, Clubs Queen, Spades Queen.
Two Pair: Two cards of the same value and two other cards of the same value. Example: Diamonds 10, Spades 10 and Spades 5, Hearts 5.
One Pair: Two cards of the same value. Example: Hearts Ace and Spades Ace.
King or Ace: A king or an ace of any suit. Example: Hearts King.
Shop Purchases and Jokers
You can increase your chances by purchasing an extra draw in the shop, so you have a total of three draws to achieve a good poker hand. Additionally, you can also buy up to three extra jokers, which will be added to your deck. The jokers will always replace cards that would give you the best possible hand, so you don't have to worry about what they count as. Example: Hearts 10, Hearts Jack, Hearts Queen, Hearts King, and a Joker. In this case, the Joker will count as a Hearts Ace, as this would give you a Royal Flush, which is the best possible hand with the Joker.
Pirate Cove - Dice 21 rules
A simple dice game inspired by Blackjack, played between you and a pirate opponent.
Get as close to 21 as possible without going over. You roll first and then your pirate opponent rolls. You alternate turns until one of you busts (exceeds 21) or both choose to Stand.
1. Rolling dice: Each turn roll two six-sided dice and add the results to your dice count.
2. Rolling again:
3. Standing: You can choose to Stand at any time on your turn to keep your total.
4. Winning conditions:
The game continues until one player Stands with the highest total, or busts.
It's easy to get started and it has a nice tutorial. The potential is unlimited money in this game