i am married with 4 sons aged 10,8,6 & 4 i have 3 dogs and a cat im medium build i have blue eyes and brown shoulder length hair feel free to add me as a friend iam friendly and i don,t bite honest lol
-You can get chocolate!
-Chocolate satisfies even when it has gone soft!
-You can make chocolate last as long as you want it too!
-the word "commitment"doesn't scare it off!
-you can ask a stanger for some chocolate without getting slapped in the face!
-with chocolate there is no reason to fake it!
-chocolate doesn't get u pregnant!
-you can have chocolate at anytime of the month!
GOOD chocolate is easy to find!
-with chocolate size doesn't matter; it is always GOOD!
abbreviations guide for new people!!!
hb=hurry back
wd=well done
gg=good game
gl=good luck
ty=thank you
tyvm=thank you very much
lol=laughing out load
brb=be right back
bbl=be back later
tc=take care
np=no problem
pmsl=pee myself laughing
bl=bad luck
ttfn=tata for now
bfn=bye for now
g2g=got to go
rofl=rollin on the floor laughin
wtg=way to go
blnt=better luck next time
ss=so sorry