Offline - 2 years



U Only Live Once Make The Most Of It ! I am going to use the rest of this page just to let everyone know a little bit about me and my life. Well first of all im married (just in June 2008) and i love my husband very much he does alot for me! Also we have 5 kids between us but in case ur thinking only 30 and got 6 kids i only have 3, three r his from his last marrage i have two beautiful little girlsand one stunner of a boy!!!  My hubby has one girl and two boy's but the youngest does not live with us nor does his oldest, not by our choise though we would have them anyday, well we live in a small town in england and have a three bedroom house and a very large garden im from scotland  but move to england years ago... That is about it now not much more to say unless i was going to sit here for a few years ..... lol .... so hope u add me as a friend unless ur a pranker coz i hate them ppl that do that good luck on paw. hope u win many tournys coz i want too as well ... lol .... x x x  

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