Offline - 16 years



Hey Im Suleica, Most people call me Suley. Im From the United States. lol , I like To Shop, Swim and Hangout With MyFriends For the Mosty Part. Need Anything Just Message Me.  I have the best boyfriend ever , His Name is Matt. Hes 19 and were in love . =]. I have One Best friend and thats my mom we tell eachother everything , but i have yet to tell her im Bi Sexual , if you have a preblem with that then dont bother talking to me , i am wh i am and i dont care when anyone thinks. If you ever want to talk to me outside of this site i do have AIM, MSN and Yahoo. im 17 , and i have 2 pets a cat and bird i had a dog but he recently passed away. Thats all for now ... so drop em` in the message box if you need anything

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