Life is too short to worry about the past. Look to the future and see what it holds. Most of all keep those people you trust close to you. as true Friends are for life! What is the meaning of life.... well if i were to tell you that then it would not be your meaning but my meaning of it. In my life i have had 3 serious accidents that should of killed me, i have survived each one and each time i have seen things differently. ok as a child u see them from a childs point of view but 4 years ago was my biggest accident. i should be dead by all laws of gravity but im not. i am here and i chill on this site. i could put up a pic and then people would feel sorry, but why feel sorry for a total stranger? To those that know me they will tell you all what i am and who i am. To those that play against me, never judge a book by its cover- these words you should really understand as i am seeing alot of non understanding people on this site. Why are people so easy to judge others that they do not understand. I could go on and say how i feel but why? would people really listen and understand or would they agree to a degree. They would agree to a certain degree as everyone feels these basic feelings but each person in turn feels them in their own way. At the end of the day let people be, for those that are real will shine through those that are not. If this makes sense then you understand to a degree about who i am.
Everyone has bad days as my litte bit above proves. even best friends feel like shit at times, but as friends make things better then talk about it and watch a problem disappear. Well have fun and take care all, be good and if you cant then be very bad ;)
Time to add more.....hmm what does one add.
Life is good or life is bad! at end of day does it really matter and who really gives a damn about how others are feeling if your having a shit day! Well there are those that do give a damn and will be there no matter what to help their friends as and when they can. Those are a true friend, no matter how shit their life might be they will still be there through thick and thin for all their friends. It is these people that are the ones that usually are having the worst life out of us all. yet they are in need most but never ask as they are there for their friends. At end of day always be there for you never know when you will be in need and then they will be there for you.
Never belive everything you hear over msn, not till you have spoken in person. Always watch your back but at same time always have fun and just be yourself. Dont lie, whats the point as you will always get found out.
Well will catch you all laters my friends.
TIME TO ADD MORE.........................................
It sucks being single, when you want to find someone and all you get are those not wanting what you want, and in the case of women - then most men are jerks and after one thing only. This then bu**ers things up for the real men out there who want to settle and enjopy life with someone and have a family of their own. But some people are so shallow and up their own arse that things get screwed up so much that it makes it pointless. IF your with someone then dont mess it up as you will regret being single nowadays, with all the internet dating and people saying things that make you have feelings but unless you see them and chat to them properly then dont even go there! is better to loose than be screwed over! well think i should start a blog about being middle aged man whose single....... omg what a sad thought lmao
Enjoy and be good all you who spend the time to read this!