Offline - 10 years



I am 45yrs old dark brown hair and 5ft 2in tall I am of cuddly build but lossing weight lost 2 stone so far. still have 7 stone to go will get their will have a photo of we when I have got down to target weight. I am a christian and I love Jesus who has changed my life. I am no one special it is just that I feel loved by him aNd that his love is unconditinal. One of the bible texts I love is John 10 vr 9 I am the gate;whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture. I have a cat called katie she is 4 years old bought her from an anamial shelter in cheltenham. I have 2 brothers and three sisters I am the second youngest. My favourite food is chilli and rice or tuna pasta bake with garlic bread. My favourrite fruit is Bananas. I love watching SF films ie. Star trek , matrix , starman. close incounters of the third kind. any many more I write childrens stories for a hobby but I have nothing published yet. .hov:hover{background-color:yellow}

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