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Hello,dont know what they expect you too write in this free text bit so will stick to what no doubt 90% of  people say so GOOD LUCK XX
ok only another 169 words to go!! maybe i could put in some lame jokes........tell you some of the things i enjoy doing (well the ones that could be put on here at least! hehe).......ok,so i enjoy reading some of my prefered authors being Terry Pratchett,Patricia Cornwell,Dan Brown and John Grisham.Ilove music and my taste is very ecclectic,everything from Mowtown to Modern stuff although i do have some favourites including Queen,Robbie Williams,Eminem and a duo my boyfriend has recently got me into which i tell everyone to have a listen too,Big and Rich,they are EXCELLENT! My all time favourite cd though has too be Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds...I also love too cook,drink beer (has 2 b either,Bud,Becks or Wife-beater!) and play on my pc,but my no1 all time bestest thing ever to do is spend time with my beautiful little girl
  Some of the things i dont like too do include,decorating,housework,ironing (which i believe is a cruel evil thing) and gardening!

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