Offline - 10 years



Hi welcome to my page, I am a great person and am very good to get along with. I make friends easily but I am nasty when you piss me off. Try it and you will see!!  hehe. I am engaged to my fiancee, Clint due to be getting married next year hopeing that everything goes well, hehe only joking! I have a son who was born on the 10th december 2007 and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I live every day as it comes and dont tend to make plans, (the best way if you ask me). My fiancee is into cars and thinks more of them than me, well thats what i think but he says he doesn't! Well thats enough of me, so if you see me in a game chat to me i will chat back. Speak soon love sam xxxxx

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