Offline - 14 years



I'm from South Shields a small town on the mouth of the river Tyne, I love SUNDERLAND football club as u can see,we r now back where we belong at last, but it won't b long before we go down again, if come in 2 have look leave a message and I will do the same ok. If there R any Sunderland Fans out there make me your friend and if I find u I'll do the same.I used to breed german shepherd dogs but stopped about 6 years ago I haven't got any left now they have all died (old age).I have two kids one is 19 and the other is 17 they have both left school now so now there is no time to my self I am hoping the 17 year old goes to collage but at the moment he doesn't want to, the 19 year old went to collage for 1 year the left to work in a pub I wasn't happy but as she said its her life.Going back to Sunderland I did have a season ticket but had to give it up because of my job on the buses I couldn't get to every game so I was wasteing money my son has one though.

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