Offline - 15 years




im a 24 yr old married woman with 2 beautiful children aboy aged 4,agirl aged 2.i live in east sussex by the looking for people who can make me laugh ,which doesnt take alot,im a sucker for the lame
my ultimate goal in life is to help people who are disadvantaged in life,i no personally as i have a downs brother,he is the most down to earth,sensitive,big hearted person i have ever met,but he is also treated like scum and doesnt belong,I WANT TO STOP THAT!i want people to stop and think for that split second how they would feel if they were him and taking the abuse,how can people be so judgmental,no-one is perfect.
i no i rabbit on but its my true goal and i want to make a difference even if i only get through to 1 person it would be an achievement.
as u can tell im very strong minded and wont take any crap from anyone,but im a wicked laugh , clubbing,movies ,pubs etc.well told u all i can think of for now take care and enjoy life to the fullxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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