I live in Ont canada moved hear from Prince Edward Island , got married Aug 19 2006 to a grate guy I met online. I got 3 kids 2 boys age 20 ,24 1 girl 16. I love to write poems & childen stories I love to cook & bake, & garden. I got facebook come be my friends , I am on msn rosiedoll369@hotmail.com, I love talking to people on hear and on line. and get to know them because a friend is just someone you never met yet , I love to play games on line like crab and other games I play on other site to, Our dreams may come our dream may go,But the dreams of our love is a dream that will never grow oldAs you hold me tight in your arm'sLook deep in my eyes and I look deep in your eyesI see all our dreams coming true. (I worte this fore my Husband) this is anought one off my poems Friends you were there through the good and the bad. You held my hand and when I was sad. You made me laugh.This was true. You stood beside me and stayed o so true. This is why I miss you. You're far away. So now I can't see you from day-to-day. I wish you'd come back to stay and be my friend from day-to-day.