Offline - 13 years



My name is Rose, Im married with 3 children (all boys) aged 6, 3 and one years old, such a handful but wouldnt change them for the world. I live in Buxton where the weather is always crap I'm a full time student at Buxton College doing a access diploma, so I can brush up on my qualifications before hopefully going to uni next year in preston. At university I would like to do there BA Hons in BSL with a view to become a sign language interpreter, this is something I've wanted to do for a long time, the interest has come from my parents being deaf and struggling to communicate themselves with other people and the struggle of finding some one fully qualified. My husband is also afull time student doing a diploma in sports and fitness he is hoping to go on to be a personal trainer or instructer. I'm not sure what else to write I've proberly rabbited on but apparently I have to write 200 words, if someone can write 200 words about themselves then I think they must love themselves a hell of a lot!! only joking I could proberly write 200 words about myself if it wasn't nearly midnight and I wasn't tired. If there is anything you want to know just ask I don't bite

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