Offline - 15 years



Hi there im rockygirl, 33 have two fabulous kids!!!. You'll be sure to catch me on here most days, enjoy playing yatzy, ludo, sketchmaster & bingo spinner but now theres medals im looking to get them all yeah!!!! Now got the job of my dreams Teaching IT so wont be on here as much sob sob lol

More about me........if ya dare!!!

Nickname: Issy                                      Single or Taken: Single
Gender: Female                                     Birthday: 30 December
Sign: Capricorn                                      Siblings: 3 Brothers
eye colour: Hazel                                   Shoe size: 5
Height: 5" 7'                                           What are you wearing right now: Pj's  
Where do you live: Chesterfield            Righty or lefty: Righty
Nationality: Scottish

Colour: White                                                             Number: 3
Boys Names that u like: Ethan                                  Girls Names that u like: Cara
Subjects in school: Maths, English, French, Science, Craft and Design
Drink: Irn Bru                                 
Alcoholic drink: Bailey n Ice, Vk Blue, Southern Comfort, Aftershock
sport: Grand Prix, Football, snooker, tennis, darts etc etc etc lol
Food: KFC                                                                  Months: June and July
Song at the moment: Lady in Red                            Movie: DEJA VU
Breakfast: Bacon snadwich                                       Perfume: Jean Paul Gautier
Favorite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny


Given anyone a bath: Yes                                     Smoked: Yes
Bungee Jumped: Yes                                            Made yourself throw-up: No
Been skinny dipping: No                                       Been in the opposite sex's washroom: No                                                       Eatin a dog biscuit:No             
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Yes   Broken a bone: Yes
Been in a physical fight: Yes                                 Been in a police car: Yes
Came close to dying: No                                        Been in a sauna: Yes
Been in a hot tub: Yes                                           Been in the ocean: Yes
Fallen asleep in school: No                                    Broken someone's heart: Yes
Cried when someone died: Yes                             Flashed someone: yes
Fell off your chair: No                                            Sat by the phone all night? No  
Saved MSN conversations: Yes                              Saved e-mails? Yes
Fallen for your best friend? No                              Been cheated on?: Yes Grrrrrrrr

What is....

Your good luck charm: ?????
Your room like: Lilac and black
The last thing you said: Make us a cup of tea
Beside you : My bed and Tv
Last thing you ate: Toast and Beans
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Nicky Clarke
Something that has happened to you this year: Nothing good

Final questions

What are you listening to right now: Tv
How many friend yoo got on paw: A few good friends from diamond spin :)

What did you do yesterday?: Saw my daughter first tme this weekend she was on residential!!!
Hated someone in your family?: Yes
Got any awards?: Yes
Do you wanna get married?: Yes
If you cud change anything about yourself: Yes
How many remote controls are in your house: Too many lol
Are you double jointed: No
What do you dream about? Settling down
The last movie you saw at the cinema: Bridgette jones 2
Milk or white chocolate: White
Vanilla or chocolate Ice cream: Vanilla
Summer or winter: Both
Silver or Gold: Gold
Diamond or pearl: Diamonds
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise
Sprite or 7up: Neither irn bru
jeans or shorts: Both
Orange juice or apple juice : Orange Juice
Cats or dogs: Dogs
Coffee or tea?: Tea
Phone or in person: In Person
Oldest, middle, youngest or only childldest!: Oldest

Thanks for stopping by xxxxxxx

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