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DISLIKES: Idiots, liars, fakes, fish, the way every1 in UK is usin the word "chav", drugs, poor grammar thru dumbness, small talk, ratings beggers, alcoholics, rude boys/girls, "gyals dat talk lyk dis", sheep who listen to "emo" music, MSN names that r their life-story, loud people, people whose life revolves around cars, people who think avin a big chest makes them automatically attractive no matter how dog-rough they are, indecisiveness, racism, rugby, jealousy, bubbly aka annoyin
LIKES: Intelligent pretty funny girls, sarcasm, loyalty, scouse and Welsh accents, honesty, sharing ur life wid sum1, football, bein realistic, Peter Kay, Ricky Gervais, Lee Evans, history (mainly WWII), Hip-Hop, UKG, movies mainly comedies, documentaries +-+-+-+ If u are lucky enuff to get ma MSN addy then please do TALK. Thankyou :)
I dunno why u would but if u wanna put urself thru the agony of seein more pix then go to www.faceparty.com/chrizz