Offline - 12 years



i just want some bloody fun were  has all the humour in the world gone? well lets get serious im 38 work at the nec in birmingham were i am a supervisor i usuall work well over 50 hours a week so at the end of it im usually fucked so i come on here for a bit of fun then sometimes i go and have a smoke and a little drink. what i dont like is moaning people who moan about stupid litle things when there is so much crap going on all over the world i sometimes wonder what people acctually excpect out of life. i mean i work all the hours god sends just to keep my nice house over my head im usually broke but in another 7 years its all mine then what will i do with all my money loads of bloody holidays all the time i cant wait and thats all i look forward to apart from my kids asking for money here and there and you must know what its like you cant say no and know here i am going on talking shite just to get the 200 words in so i can have my free text 100% what a arsehole you might say but im bored and i keep losing at yatzy its doin my ed in so i am taking my frustration out on here writing crap about things i dont really care about.

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