Hi everyone who cares to look in my profile ! I have a few tips on how to make huge points in the balloons, but you´ll have to excuse my pityful English, as I am Danish, but here goes: First you take a balloon-axe! or hehe , no here it comes First you gather a huge bunch of the same colour balloons. The reason for this is, the more balloons in one bunch, the more points each of them gives. Example: 5 green: 51 points, 10 green: 190 point or 20 green: 730 points and 40 balloons: 2860 points. Its worth gathering huge closters of one colour. In fact you should collect 2 bunches right next to each other, because you can make the game think its one bunch and then get extra points. Example 20 green + 20 red gives 40 balloons = 2860 points. You do this by moving the cursor quickly from one bunch to the other and back, lots of times till they are both (all) highlighted, then you smash them. When you´ve become good at "reading" the game, you may start to use the newgame-function on all those games that don´t look funny to play! It looks awesome when you crash 40 balloons in one big bang, and you feel great when you take a 3000+ points first-level to a bonuslevel! Try it! Good Luck from neptun1964! I am a Danish man who obviously started playing there, and still is. My main aim is to make 10.000 points using the tactics described above, but I cannot help thinking about smiler983 and his 15.432 points in 112 games. Did he cheat? Or is there a third factor that I don´t know about which he learned while using another name in a profile he has closed? In Denmark I used this name until june 3 2006 when I changed it to HAJEN040606 (the shark 040606). My personal top 20 is as follows: 1 HAJEN040606 : 9408 (KoV 11-1-08) 2 HAJEN040606 : 9329 (KoV 3-6-07) 3 HAJEN040606 : 9201 (KoV 27-8-07) neptun1964 : 9155 (playtopia 14-1-09) />4 neptun1964 : 9028 (PaW 31-3-07) 5 HAJEN040606 : 9005 (KoV 11-12-06) 6 HAJEN040606 : 8941 (KoV 22-4-07) 7 HAJEN040606 : 8902 (KoV 23-6-06) 8 HAJEN040606 : 8888 (KoV 16-2-08) 9 HAJEN040606 : 8880 (KoV 23-5-07) 10 HAJEN040606 : 8877 (24-4-07) 11 HAJEN040606 : 8793 (KoV 15-6-06) 12 HAJEN040606 : 8752 (20-2-08) 13 undercover64 : 8724 (KoV 25-6-07) 14 HAJEN040606 : 8711 (KoV 12-11-07) 15 neptun1964 : 8674 (PaW 1-11-06) 16 HAJEN040606 : 8650 (13-2-08) 17 HAJEN040606 : 8616 (KoV 12-8-07) 18 HAJEN040606 : 8612 (KoV 16-9-07) 19 HAJEN040606 : 8611 (KoV 7-12-07) 20 pander2005 : 8608 (KoV 9-4-07) (ex wifes profile) This game, to me, is a classic. It came to days after I took the record on the danish site KoV, and it somehow sat a whole knew standard over there that even I, to begin with, found it hard to live up to. So I feel like keeping it here for a little while: 37 neptun1964 : 8474 (KoV 14-1-06)