Offline - 9 years



Loving the games :-) Don´t know why I have to fill in sooooo much detail here but hey. The tournaments rock, especially Ludo and Snakes and Ladders lol. Anyone who has encountered me will know i´m not much of a chatter, but i will congratulate people etc and I will respond if people talk to me lol. Only thing I wish on this site is that I win the super jackpot one day lets face it though, who doesn´t. Winning that amount of money would be cool. Apart from that I haven´t got a bad word to say about the site. I like winning medals and find it a bit difficult seeing as i am not a VIP member, but I´m definitely thinking about being one recently. Would be so much easier than just playing VIP games for 15 minutes a day. So becoming VIP is definitely on the agenda for me. Do not judge me by reading this lol, they have asked for 200 words and I´m just waffling now to fill it all in. So to recap, not much of a chatter, but will chat to you if you want one lol. I want to win big cash on the site, but who doesn´t, and I love playing the games on here. This has got to be 200 words by now right??

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