Offline - 9 years



holaaaa!!! :) am an extremely random person, quite often in a dreamlike state and go with the flow, someone once remarked i was so laid back i might as well be horizontal! have a beautiful baby boy who has shown me that miracles are real and come in ways you dont always expect, i love my tiny trooper more than anything and weยดll worry about the future when we get there :) have 2 godaughters (1 of which is my niece) and have just become an auntie again, i love those 3 girls with all my heart, had a not so brilliant past but all the bad stuffs gone now, so im looking at a brilliant future :) any questions just ask, tho dont be surprised if i accidentally give tmi! haha my foot tends to end up in my mouth several times a day due to the fact my mouth works before my brain does, anyway im off now as i seem to be heading on another rambling mission and i dont wanna bore you before you get to know me haha so er chowser :) xxx

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