heya people just 2 say in kari n i live in the shropshire lol hope u all like me if u dnt then suit urself im mee n i dnt change 4 any1 nt even a bf if i had 1 cz i been single 4 wot seems 4eva lol im still poor n lil single me :( but i do lve tho the YOUNG FREE N SINGLE life n i lve goin out on da pull in the town n lads do give me weird looks bt i just gt on wiv life like its nothin 2 me which its not so speak soon peeps n plz mail mesage me if u wnt 2 gt 2 no me in the future or if u wnt my contact info as atm my msn iz broke as on sat 24th november it gt hacked n i keep tryin 2 redo 1 bt it keeps gts rejected afta a while speak in a bit peeps lve ya all kari xxxxxxxxxxxx