Offline - 10 months



Because of my recently discovered lung diseases,I am disabled:(

Now,am waiting for results from biopsies,then surgery.Cancer was last year.

Am not really worried-I have a great team:)

Kick that fungus ball's butt.I just found out that I have likely been this way for 

most of my life,then not knowing,I smoked!But now as a senior,I love this site-helps me cope,even though I might have just few years left.My daughter and husband are helping me 'move',still very degrading.I need to have some fun!

.well,them's the breaks,as my passed away parents used to say.Life REALLY is a#$@%*imageimageNova Scotia,Canada  HELLO TO ALL...... LOVE this place

I like games to play,gardening,wildlife.........and a sense of humor🙂Life is short,so  enjoy.

I am addicted to Farm Empire🙂But thats not so bad,fun


Have fun playing all!

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