I have been happily married to Mark for 14 years and we have two very great children, a boy aged 13 and a girl aged 10. We share our home with shed loads of pets. I have four cats, one dog, three ducks, a hamster, tropical fish, thirteen giant african land snails and 5 rabbits.
I work at Tesco in the Fresh Food Stock Control Department and love my job. My husband is unable to work due to illness, but I love having him around. We both play an active part in our children's schools. I read with the children daily and we both go swimming with the children. I run a Walking School Bus and am Co-Ordinator. It is a great way for the kids to travel to school and they love the fact that each week we change driver and conductor. I also do relief Teaching Assistant if someone is off and get roped in to help on most of the school trips lol.
One of my friends introduced me to this site and I am totally addicted. It is such a time waster but hey I love it. I am completely addicted to Bingo 75 and Handyman.
Good luck to everyone and win big.