Offline - 15 years




Thanks for coming and having a nosey (I mean a look! lol) at my profile.

If your wondering what I look like I am the one on the left of my pic, the other two ladies are my friends aunty and her friend, they have become good friends to me.

Always feel free to chat to me at any time!! See you in Sketchmaster that's like my second home lol (very addictive game by the way, be careful lol).

Have fun, lifes to short to worry, the bad always comes before the good in life, so hold on, don't get down, things will always get better!

Love, wealth and good health, long day's and pleasant nights to ya all!!! x x

I love reading also, these are my two fav's.  Tell me what you think if you read them!!I will always be willing to chat about books!!

Can I suggest u read this trilogy it's v good!! also the Dark Tower by Stephen King

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