Offline - 14 years



Jay Sean - Ride it is mine and my Lolly `s special here it is especially for you baby T. Cheryl Cole - well don`t we all just love this song as the words ring true when you actually listen to the song. Phill Collins is just a one time hit artist and I love the song groovy kinda love there it is.With thanx to madaline for her expert help in helping me to achieve my profile music goals. Friendly and caring people on the site I notice time and time again.Thanks to the creators for providing us with a wkd site for our enjoyment over and over day and night. Love you my special ( lolly ) user on here also and good luck to all playing for medals badges and tropheys....I have my work cut Take care one and all and if ya see me or my sweet candy lolly playing in a game/room, don`t be afraid to say hi,we don`t bite....most of the time. GOOD LUCK ONE AND ALL ................ !!!!!!! Loving the olympics game and the route 66 although I spend most of my time in the olympics room.Seems like playing the slot machines achieves quick big wins.....What can I say but enjoy, have good fun...make friends.....and chill infront of the t.v. with your new found game.....then play play play and carry on playing........ glglglgl (good Luck).Hope you enjoyed paying my space here a little visit and will come back time and time again to see how we are all getting on in this gr8 gaming community here at

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