Offline - 8 years



I am a single mum 2 3 boys, I lost my eldest son in 2005  ( who I still miss wiv all my heart )..
I ave 2 cats, Barney n Smudge Rabbit George, n a guinea pig Daisy, tropical fish about 30 of em No not gonna name em lol!!
I get on wiv ev 1 except rude & ignorant people, I can;t stand bully's ..Sadly there is a lot of that on line I've Noticed past few years, Wiv people writing horrible things 2 upset another I think its so shallow some mite not agree but it do happen  
I fink i've bored u enough So I will end text by saying good luck 2 all that pops in my profile in ur games, take care n B happy we get just 1 chance of this life why waste it??  Bye 4 now Angie x

update i lost my beautiful ginger cat Barney in november last yr i was totally gutted i know how much u luv animals but when you lose them i never realised how much it hurt they really r like ur kids i cant ave another cat losing barney was so upsetting id rather stay wiv me fish xx 

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