Offline - 12 years



hi all if you are looking for a great friend and someone who loves havin fun and a laugh then add me to your list i will always talk to you and am always on comp of a night so get talkin to me lol. Bit more info i am a stay at home mum to 3 lovely kids a six year old boy a 2 year old girl and a 9 month old boy they are all lovely and make me laugh,before i had kids i used to work at butlins in pwhelli and i loved it .Thats where i met my best mate keiron hence the user name i loved the life there work all day and party all night lol.I was there for 3 years and was gutted when they closed it down but life goes on and i came home to do a performing arts course which i passed yipee but then fell pregnant so now i take care of my kids which i love doing.I love going out down town aswell and falling in at 4 in the morning with my niece who is like my best friend,the hang over the next day kills me but its worth it lol.

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