Offline - 14 years



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afk = away from keyboard

asl = age, sex and location

bint = better luck next time

bk = back

bl = bad luck

brb = be right back

cu = see you

e1 = everyone

ep = egyptian pyramids gb

= guest book
gl = good luck
gr8 = great
hb = hurry back
jpj = jackpot joy
kwl = cool
l8ly = lately
lmao = laff my arse off
lmfao = laughing my flipping arse off
lol = lots of laughts or laugh out loud
ms = ????
np = no probem
ny = New York
pmsfl = pie myself flipping laughing
pmsl = p*ss myself laughing
rotfl = rolling on the floor laughing
sd = sweet dreams
ss = so sorry
syl = see you later
tc = take care
tg = to go
ttfn = ta ta for now
ty = thank you
tyavm = thank you all very much
ul = un lucky
vw = very welcome
w8t = wait
wb = welcome back
wd = welldone
ws w/s = wheel spin
wtgh = way to go hun
yw = you welcome
??????? I don't know what it means, if you know the meaning please let me know or if you have other shortcut words that can be added please tell me Additions to the list are welcome. GOOD LUCK IN THE GAMES

Hi....My Name is; Fibromyalgia And I’m an invisible Chronic Illness.
I am now stuck to you for life.
Others around you can’t see me, but
YOUR body feels me.
I can attack you anywhere and anyhow I please.

I can cause severe pain.
Or, if I’m in a good mood, I can just cause you to ache all over.
Remember when you and energy ran around together and had fun.
I took energy from you, gave you exhaustion.
Try to have fun now!

I also took good sleep from you and in its place, gave you brain fog.
I can make you tremble internally or make you feel cold or hot, When everyone else feels normal.
Oh, yeah, I can make you feel anxious or depressed too.
If you have something planned, or are looking forward, to a great day, I can take that away too – and don’t expect the normals To understand as you look fine.

You didn’t ask for me.
I chose you for various reasons.
That virus you had that you never recovered from, or that car accident,
Or was it that operation you had, then again it could have been the yearsof abuse,
Stress and Trauma. Well, anyway, I’m here to stay!

I hear you’re going to see a doctor who can get rid of me.
I’m rolling on the floor, laughing.
Just try. You will have to go to many, many doctors until you find one who can help you effectively.
You will be put on pain pills, sleeping pills, energy pills
Told you are suffering from anxiety or depression, given a TENS unit, get massaged,
Told if you just sleep and exercise properly it will go away, told to think positively,
Poked, prodded and MOST OF ALL, not taken as seriously as you feel,

When you cry to the doctor how debilitating life is every day.
Your family, friends and work mates will listen to you until they just get tired,
Of hearing about how I make you feel, and how I’m a chronic critical illness.
Some of them will say things like, “Oh, you are just having a bad day”
Or “Well, remember, you can’t do the things you used to do 20 YEARS ago”
Not hearing that you said 20 DAYS ago.

Some will just start talking behind your back,
While you slowly feel that you are losing your dignity trying to make them understand,
Especially when you are in the middle of a conversation with a “Normal” person,
And can’t remember what you were going to say next!

In closing (I was hoping to keep this part a secret) but I guess you have already found out…the ONLY place you will get any Support and Understanding in dealing with me is with Other People with Fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia makes me sad With chronic pain that’s so intense Life’s hurts and worries seem immense
It drains away my energy

People say, “You look so well”
That I’m in pain they cannot tell
I’ve tried so many different pills
But side-effects make me feel ill
The doctors can do nothing more
They tell me that there is no cure

At times the struggle seems so hard
I care not if I live or die
I take time out so I can heal
And find out truly how I feel
I find that meditation helps

And soon I have an inner peace
Which helps my body fight disease
I learn that good can come of bad
And that I needn’t feel so sad
I sit outside, enjoy the sun
And find that life can still be fun
I’ve eyes to see and ears to hear

I really have no need to fear
I count my blessings every day
Find joy in life come what may
And when folk ask me “How are you?”
I say “Much better for seeing you”

I wrote this poem to give some hope
To show you that we all can cope
If you, like me, have FMS
And you are doing your very best
Reward yourself for all you do

And when you cry let feelings out
For self expression leaves no doubt
That you’re in pain that runs so deep
You’re filled with tears and you must weep
Tomorrow is another day

You wake, you smile and then you say
I’m looking forward to this day
For when each day you choose to live
You have an inner strength untold
If you are living without pain

 Please spare a thought and think again
So don’t judge people who you see
For they could be in pain like me

M. A. Elder – September 2001. Copying and sharing this poem is positively encouraged.

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