Offline - 14 years



hey there fellow gamers!

i like a laugh and am a very loyal person to those close to me. if i can help u i will.

as u might be able to tell, i like angels and fairies. i also like to write, so below is a combination of the two. read on and enjoy!!!

They say there is an angel,
Who listens for our sighs,
Who's there whene'er we falter,
Who wipes the tears from out our eyes.

They say there is an angel,
Whose wings protect our heart.
Whose spirit is there to guide us
When on life's journey we do start.

They say there is an angel,
Watching over from above.
Who fills our lives with kindness.
Who fills our souls with love.

I believe we see that angel,
In the people that we meet.
The driver of the local cab,
The tramp upon the street:

For we all can be that angel,
Showing tenderness and care.
A friendly face to turn to
When there's problems to be shared.

So spread your wings and soar so high
Give love to those in need.
For a friend is such an angel
And you're a friend indeed.

by jacquie  july 2007

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