Offline - 3 years



As Brutus the younger neared his retirement, Caesar wondered what to get him as a gift for being such a great commander. He pondered for some time... Brutus had everything he could ever want. In the end he asked Brutus, who replied: "I like Smarties.... Give me a huge pile of Smarties." In his retirement Brutus spent hours counting the Smarties and putting them in colour coded piles. One day, Caesar begged for him to come out of retirement and lead his army one last time, and after some persuation, Brutus agreed. "Fine. I´ll do it. But just this once! And I need you to look after my Smarties. Don´t bother eating any because I know how many there are!" Off he goes to win a war, and win he did. The day after Brutus´ return, Caesar was on his way to appear at a session of the Senate where he is attacked by plotters with daggers.... A man pushes through the group and sticks a dagger into Caesar who looks up to see who the new eager perpetrator is.... It´s Brutus! As he stretches his arm out towards his ´friend´ he wimpers, "Et tu, Brute?" As Brutus stabs him again he says: "You lying b*****d, you ate three!"

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