Offline - 19 years



When you are tense, let me teach you to relax. When you are short tempered, let me teach you to be patient. When you are short-sighted, let me teach you to see. When you are quick to react, let me teach you to be thoughtful. When you are angry, let me teach you to be serene. When you feel superior, let me teach you to be respectful. When you are self-absorbed, let me teach you to think of greater things. When you are arrogant, let me teach you humility. When you are lonely, let me be your companion. When you are tired, let me carry the load. When you need to learn, let me teach you....... After all I am your horse. W. Lamm, 1997 I love this poem, other than that I am stark raving bonkers.... and love life. Cheers

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