Offline - 15 years



Goodbye PaW pals - I'm unemployed and cannot afford stupid membership fees.
I'm locked out of games I've been playing for 5 years with no warning - what sort of site is this - oh, yeah, a greedy one!
If you want to stay in touch - gets to me

Because I was asked to - here's my little bit for the Numpties!
Numpty Numpty having a ball       (to Humpty Dumpty music)
Numpty Numpty upsetting us all
Causing your trouble gives us the hump
So why don't you Numpty just go take a jump!

and another...
Bah Bah Numpty, oh I wish they would      (to Bah Bah Black Sheep)
chuck you out, be barred for good
You come in here and open your gob
but we can all see that you're just a kn*b
Bah Bah Numpty, will go you away
We don't want you here today
and how about this one...
Mary came here for a chat, her friends are here you know   (Mary had a little lamb this time)
but everywhere that Mary went, Numpty was sure to go
It started to abuse the girl, which was against the rule
It made poor Mary start to cry, insults from this mad fool
And so the admins turned it out, made Numpty dissapear
but it came back under another name and filled Mary with fear
Why do the admins let this go, they know it's going on
To be here under multi names is clearly doing wrong.

...Yes, I do feel strongly that they should not allow these idiots back in, but how to stop them?

My profile will be out in paperback next spring...

Excuse me if I don't talk/answer in chat - my PC is like me, old and worn out. If I start to chat then it crashes, I can usually tell by how slow it's running and this is directly related to the number of adverts this site throws at me. The more adverts, the slower it gets. If I get a page with no ads then I can usually chat!

Someone asked me about the question I was asked (see Questions) about "dressing in womens clothing" - I should point out that I don't see it that way, it's MY clothing - OK? (lol)

Hey, hi. You're here now, have a look around and don't forget to say hello?
I'm not a perve, or trying to chat anyone up, so if I say hi at least find out about me before you tell me to 'go away'?

Yes, I'm a tranny, hope you don't have a problem with that. I'm straight, so no male admirers please. Yes, straight - a lot of people seem to think that trannies are all gay, it's not true I tell ya! Unless you look at it from the other angle, 'cos when I'm in Polly mode I fancy women, so what does that make me?

I'm happy to answer questions, or explain a bit about who I am, if you're curious.
Why Gordons? Well, I could say it's my real name, or it may be something I took off a Gin bottle LOL Just humour me and call me Polly OK, then we can be friends. Yes, I'm really a bloke, but nobodys perfect.

I thought to myself that the powers that be who run this site may object to my showing up as female, despite my outward appearance, and stuck with showing as Blue for ages. hen I found I could swap gender - so did, not half as painful as people made out!

I'll add people as friends as long as you're gonna chat now and again. I don't like adding people who then ignore me, or at the other end of the scale, flood me with chain letters or something. I don't like it when I get a 'friendship request' without knowing the person though. Drop me a message, or two, first and see how we get on first? Sorry, but I will reject if I think I'm just being added for the sake of it. I usually give a chance, by sending a message, if I don't get a reply then I take it the person does not want to be a friend.

I come on here mainly to free my mind, instead of mulling over things I play a few games, and can start afresh on whatever problems I may have. No, it does not work that way really, but at least I get to have a few minutes of fun instead of plodding along I guess.

I used to spend time writing l-o-n-g emails to various people but over the years they've either got bored with me, or have found 'real life' friends and moved on. Drop me a line maybe? 

I started writing a book, but the contents are not for the likes of this site! It's based on my life experiences, with some fiction thrown in that comes from my furtive mind... One day I'll get back to that.

There are more pics in my gallery, no nude stuff, I don't do that.
I have email at MSN, I don't have MSN chat/Messenger any more, it caused problems with my computer. I am often on here from work, but not able to come to the screen as I leave games playing while I do other things. 

AND - following a couple of instances of abuse towards me in chat rooms, can I remind (a few) people that P&W has rules about behaviour and I will report offenders to the admins - we're all here to play and have fun, not to impose bigotted views on others. Sorry, had to be said!

I have blocked a few people who have 'had a go' at me in chat areas, that means I can't see what they say in there as well as stopping them adding their stupid comments to my profile and gallery area. I was accused of being ignorant as I didn't reply to one of these people in chat - quite simply, I don't see what they type. I'm oblivious that they have typed anything in chat.

For the benefit of their 'friends' who have been sent to see what is in my profile, I feel justified in blocking three people (so far) because they were being abusive towards me. I did not provoke them in any way, two of them just took objection to who I am. The third came along later and asked me a question, then called me names. This has been reported to the admins, any further abuse will also be recorded and reported. In some instances this type of mis-behaviour is actually illegal and the Police take a dim view of those committing such hate crime. Seriously, I have worked with the Police on this in the past.

I thank the many people who are supportive and are offended by these bigots. I've had a lot of nice comments in messages and chat and that encourages me to stay here. I could have signed up as a female, not added any pics, and kept quiet - but why should I?

OK - if you've not read enough yet then carry on with my Diary pages...

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