Offline - 12 years



i'm not on here very much now as i prefer ionthunder but i still check any new msgs every couple of days, so if u want me leave a msg pmsl ;0) hi all :0) Just to let our friends kno, mine and jabs son was born on 3rd july at 10.28 weighting 8lb 2oz :0) I LOVE YOU JAY :0) I have 4 children. My partner is jabme1 who is brilliant and who me and the kids love to bits. We was due to get married on 14th Feb but because dennis came along we have put it off for a year or two. I also have a couple of great friends on here called shazabella and im2fast We have got 2 cats, 1 dog, a hamster, rabbit and chinchilla. As u have guessed we love animals. I also love football, my team is Ipswich though jay is trying to turn me into a gooner. I do quite a bit of cross stitch so if any1 wants to swop chart just email me. I have also got love of tatty teddies as they are soooooooooo cute. Enjoy having a laugh so feel free to add me to your friends list. I will be in solitaire. Take care and good luck in the games

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