Offline - 12 years



hi people i hope u like this and i just want 2 say its nice havin u here. i think i am very borin but hey i bet loads of people think of themselves that way

here is a little poem for you it is not the whole of the poem but hey this will make you laugh i know that it will.

Here I lie in stinky vapor, cause some bastard stole the paper, Shall I lie, or shall I linger, or shall I be forced to use my finger.
Here I sit Broken hearted Tried to S**T But only farted Here I sit What a caper I have to S**T But I'm out of paper HA HA HA HA HA

so did it make ua laugh go on tell me.

Im open to many types of people....i may be a bit of a "goth" (its what ive been labled) but yet ive been told im a lovely person....

Give me a message and ill be sure to get back to you =D

Yeah i am kinda weird and Crazy but its the way i ma ^_^
love ya all

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