Offline - 15 years



A short text? minimium of 200 words? doesn't sound short does it? lol, lets start with errrr.........Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious....................................on toast. Then on to , i'm 29(not for long now), I'm 5 foot 8 inches tall and i am well built(posh way of saying im overwieght lol) i have 3 boys and a girl and i've been married for 9 years, i like to play on here coz its fun and theres alot of nice people(a few numptys, but most are ok lol). The friends i do have here are really cool.
I like football( im male ), love playing with the kids, it should keep me fit but it doesn't, cycling is good but i haven't bought a new bike yet, so thats on hold too lol.
Hope you all like my profile it took me ages to do it(NOT lol) i have loadsa pics on it, some funny some cute and some that are not on there coz they not good pics lol, and a couple are listed twice coz i dont know how to delete them either.

Feel free to add me as a friend, the more the merrier as they say, or is it too many scrub that lol i think i'll stick with the first one.

Good luck on play and win all

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