Offline - 16 years



I have traveled to many countries and greatly enjoy visiting other countries. Learning about other cultures, beliefs, traditions, etcetera is just absolutely exciting. My favorite place in the world is Dingle, Ireland. My second favorite vacation spot is the Netherlands (we Americans call it Holland). I have lived in Germany for about twelve years or so separated into two different tours. I have visited many other countries to include France and Italy. I have been to many different states, some of which include Pennsylvania, New York, Georgia, Florida, Ohio, and Texas. I was born in Texas, but left before I was old enough to remember it. I am extremely patriotic towards my country and do find flag burning to be extremely offensive. I am an extreme conservative hardcore christian with traditional values.  My beliefs define who I am 100% of the way. So the key to getting to know to get to know the way I believe...and yes I am an open book.  Some of my heroes include George Washington, Daniel Boone, General Patton, Winston Churchill, Sergeant York, General Eisenhower, and the Lord Jesus Christ just to name a few.  I love to have fun, can be very talkative and thoroughly enjoy individuals who are also very talkative (in an intellectual manner).  I joke around...some would say excessively...others say to the perfect degree.  One of my passions is writing science fiction and acting in live theatre comedies.  If I were to pass on advice to anyone it would be this: 
"Never forget that your future is not defined by your past.  Your past weakenesses, sins, and mistakes do not define the choices you have to make today or tomorrow.  You always have the choice to do the right thing.  No mistake is ever so great that you can't redeem it."

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