Offline - 12 years



hi every one do not know what i am going to talk about but any way, my sister joined me up on here i have been joined for about 4 weeks but had a lot of trouble with java, so I  could not get in to play games.  Every time i tried to play scratch and win it would not let me kept saying multiple java running at same time, any way the problem is now fixed thanks to my sister, so really yesterday was the first time i have had a chance to play anything.  I played bingo spinner which was fun, took a bit of getting used to and i was in the beginners room laugh out loud.  Then i had a game of yahtzee which is how you spell it over in aussie land,  i am used to playing with five dice, not six, was very confusing i have it worked out now though sort of there are a lot more things you have to look for, for example two times three dice, four of a kind , royal straight did not even know what that was, and did not realize small straight started from number one dice, and large straight started from number two dice, oh my goodness my head was spinning, also when you play with five dice you only need three of every thing up the top to make your bonus, when you have six dice you need four of every thing to make your bonus.ok i think i have made my 200 words up laugh out loud

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