Offline - 16 years



another STOKIE GAL ERE , im 5'9 (roughly) brown hair, blue eyes n 14 yrs old. I love making my friends laff and i have a GREAT sense of humour n im always up 4 abit o fun im always ther 4 all me m8s hu a love to bits..i always try 2 em n giv them all advise wen they need it ^_^ =P..hehe..n i LUV rock music eg.Green Day ,Sum 41, Linkin Park And All-American Rejetcs!!, n sum old rock eg, Aerosmith, DEF LEPPARD , Whitesnake u get da pic. .. i H8 being bored and i h8 Silence.Luv chillin wiv meh babbies's n i luv drawing - Anime or my own cartoons n designin grafitti and basic backgrounds another thing i love is PORT VALE!! my local and brilliant football team..they rawk..fave playa(s) - Chris Birchall No.17 Nathan Lowndes No.9 and on loan player Gary Mulligan No.19 w00t! i love goin vale matches n screamin me ed off lol n i enjoy watching ne other footy match ont tele! =) . well i best SHUT UP..... BiBi boredbabe ~xXxXxXxXxXxXxXx~

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