Offline - 16 years



42 year old mum, bit of a hippy these days coz i'm full of arthritis, not complaining, the price i'm payin for fast motorbikes and beer when I was 20! Still love the bikes just ache lots after a rally and camping. 9 stepkids aged 16 and up 5 lads 4 girls all into bikes5 have their own (loads of near heart failiures when they started), 2 kids of my own 13yr old girl, 11 yr old boy (who also has his own bike). Worldly wise (life's university) gentle natured. LOVE MUSIC all kinds, love my CSI on the box, love animals, love travel. HATE nags, moaners, rude people, takers, users of other people and bugs. ESPECIALLY SPIDERS. Warped sense of humour but pretty laid back. Mates call me wenchalot (from the beer wench description coz I was a publican for 18 yrs), bitwitch (a cross between a bitch and a witch) but always said with love behind it, or orgawench (i'm the one that packs everything everyone else has forgotten) try having 11 kids about and not be organised! Computers are new to me but i'm learning fast (kids won't let me have peace in the 19th century). What can I say.....i'm sliding into middle age, keeping up (just) and getting on with life. xxxxxxx

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