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My name is Lori, and my constant companion, protector, welcoming committee, or the best dam Security System on Earth, of nearly 10 years, 24/7, whom I have never been apart from for even 1 night, is known as Ladybug, Bug, or my personal fave that always makes people laugh, is when I call her "Girlfriend", as in:  "Well Girlfriend, time to go home" when we are finished our walk at the beach, and she immediately ignores anyone who is petting her and starts the trek home without me, once I have told her our visit with our friends, both human and canine, is

We adopted her on my Birthday from the small dog pound when we were, doing what we love the most, which is camping on the Beach at the Northern end of Vancouver Island, and that year it happenned to rain something fierce on our holiday, so instead of going shopping, Hubby took me to the local Pound to get a dog for my Birthday, if there was one I took a liking too, and of course, Hamlet our other dog at the time who was very old, had to approve as well!

That visit to that Pound, was remarkable.  It was full of adult dogs and puppies, in every size colour or shape to choose from.

My Bug, was on Doggy Death Row, as it was the 3rd time she had been returned to that Pound by 3 seperate owners, and she had turned 1 year of age, that week! She had never bit anyone, nor was she aggressive in any way.  She was extremely intelligent, and in the short time I was there, she literally turned herself inside-out to get my attention and hold it, as I attempted to look at all the dogs and puppies in pens that were available for adoption at that time. I turned my back to her momentarily, as a huge litter of puppies were just being put in a pen for adoption from the local Indian Reservation.  They were gorgeous tubby pups, all 10 of them, in different colours, some long hair, some short hair and who know's how many Father's or what their breeds were, had a hand, or whathaveyou, in creating this adorable group of 10!

That is when I knew immediately, that Bug would be coming back to our campsite with us, as one of the family.  Somehow she managed to get her front leg around the chain link fence/gate, and frantically pawed right down the back of my leg, until she had my full attention again, away from those beautiful pups, lolol.  Hubby was still looking at the pups when I told him my mind was made up, and I believed that Ladybug had more than earned her 4th chance at a good life in a home that welcomes dogs of any size in our home.  Bug is a dog that lives to please her human family, and I suspect that, like many large dogs, she had been taken to other homes and was put in the backyard, not allowed in the house, where she longed to be at all times.  I was shocked that the Pound, nor her owners knew what breed she was, it is obvious from her photo that she is definitely a Cougar Hound X, and she does not bark, she bay's like only a hound can do!  She goes with, everywhere, including my Shoppe where I sell Mixed-Media Artworks, unique to their Country of Origin.  When my dear Hamlet was alive, weighing in at 205 lbs, both he and Ladybug were my constant companions and they became inseperable.  I have many Customer's who visit regularly to bring a biscuit and visit just Ladybug now, however, she is wonderful with wheelchair bound elderly people, and the smiles that come over their faces when she gently greets them, is simply beautiful to see..... The fact that they usually don't buy anything means nothing to me, because the change in the elderly person's faces the moment they see Bug, is priceless to me!

Unfortunately, I know that large and extra-large breeds are not treated like small breeds, but I wish that people would learn that the large and extra-large breeds long to be treated in the same manner as a Chihuha in a Lady's handbag! I have been a big dog lover all my life, and every dog I have ever owned has had the priviledge of coming and going inside and outside through their own private household door.  I have yet to own a big dog of any breed who chooses to stay in the backyard alone all day while I am inside the house.... They go out to do their business, and then they are back inside the house, following me where ever I go.  Any dog loves to go on walks with their human family outdoors.  They just don't like being alone, and it would have been tragic if a brilliant dog, like my Bug, would have been put to sleep because she wanted to be a part of her human family!

I have taught Ladybug sign language, and she has a huge vocabulary!  She is the most intelligent and attentive Dog I have ever owned.  It is a pity that she was spayed when we adopted her.  My Bug is truly loved by her family and many, many strangers who love to come and visit her, always with a biscuit for a treat, lol!

She is also a fierce protector if I give the hand signal, however on the 2 occassions I have felt the need for that protection, the individual was long gone before Bug made any physical contact, and she always stops dead in her tracks with a one word command, that only Bug understands when the word is given as a command from myself or my hubby.

Bug is as close to perfect as she can be when it comes to being a family dog, and all she needed to thrive and be wonderful, was her rightful place within the family, and not stuck in a backyard with no human contact.  She was far too intelligent for loneliness as her destiny!

Well, time for me to go, Girlfriend wants her breakfast, and so do the Kittens my hubby adopted from a Rescue Shelter at Christmas Time, lolol, they have already had their first Camping Trip on the Easter Weekend and they did extremely well on their kitty leashes, lolol!  They are family too!  I named the tiny little boy, Tiny Tim, and the female kitten is named, Jilly Beans.  lol btw, Tiny Tim is not so Tiny at all anymore, and he has grown so quickly that he is already the largest Cat we have ever owned.  I am certain he has Maine Coon in his lineage!  lol, he Gallops and is not light-footed at all, lol, you never know what surprises you will find in canine and feline friends at the Pound or Rescue Shelters, I go with my gut feeling, so far, so great!  Don't ever be afraid to take a chance on an adult dog.  Every Adult Dog we have ever adopted has been housebroken!  They just need lots of TLC and attention to thrive..... just like people.....

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