Offline - 14 years



I was born on 13th September 1969 at 16:45 (my Dad was more interested in the football results than me) at the house that I was also bred in. I went through my school years in Derby; leaving with 5 `O' levels/GCSE (Grade 1) results. These were in English Language/English Literature/Mathematics/Computer Studies/History. I left school to spend 7 1/2 years working as a Workshop Clerk at the Railway Workshops in Derby; being made redundant when the Workshops were privatised. I then worked for the Civil Service in Nottingham for 5 years, before moving to my current employment within education based in Nottingham. At the Railway I was responsible for all of the paperwork required by the wheelshop. In the Civil Service, I dealt with money coming in/going out of the UK as well as UK pensions being paid to UK pensioners resident abroad. In my current employment, I Administrate for a consortium of Hospitals putting their staff through NVQ's. I eventually met the `light of my life' (who also works in Nottingham) & we purchased a property in Nottingham. We were both born/bred in Derby but work in Nottingham. My Dad was railway apprentice trained & worked their all his life; this gave himself & the family free/cheap rail travel. While I was at school & a railway employee myself, I did as much trainspotting as was possible (all over the UK). Of course when I was made redundant, it was impossible to afford the hobby (I reluctantly retired from this). I have a massive collection of music (all periods/types) on CDs/Albums/Singles/Cassettes. I am a member of CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale)/ABBC (Association of Bottled Beer Collectors)/Brewery History Society/Black Sheep Fanatics Club. As well as the great British traditional pint, I also indulge in Scottish Whisky (with a collection of over 100 miniatures).I have every James Bond book ever written & all films on video. I cook using my large collection of vegetarian recipe books. I also collect books on British beer/breweries/beer glasses. I collect British beer glasses & bottle conditioned beer (to consume & save the bottles). When I was younger, I was a keen swimmer. I managed to achieve my Gold Survival & 1 mile distance awards. When I was at the railway, I also played Crown Green Bowls for a railway team. As a pastime, I now play pool/darts/cards/dominoes. My Mum spent the majority of her life bringing up myself & my two brothers. As we got older, she worked as a School Crossing Warden, then until present as a Coffee Bar Assistant. My Dad is now semi-retired & works part-time for a local car showroom. My youngest brother worked in a bank when he left school, he then sold carpets for a local firm followed by working his way up through the ranks of a chain of fashion stores. He now works in the fashion industry in London. My other brother has always worked in a national bank, but has just been recruited by the local constabulary. I had a girl friend (who I remember fondly) during my days at infant & junior school. We then went our own ways at different secondary schools, eventually losing contact altogether. In the secondary I formed a new best friend, upon leaving school he continued at College then University to train as a dentist. I have never found out if he made it. I now socialise with friends & colleagues at work on an occasional basis.

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