
Welcome to our New Website

Welcome to our New Website image
Apr 30th, 2019
We are proud to announce the launch of our new, re-designed website! Our old website served us well for many years, but technology continues to develop and with this redesign we will be able to take advantage of the most current tools to give our users a better and more fun experience. With a crisp, new look and bright colours, we’ve simplified the design to make it clearer and more engaging. We also simplified the main navigation, to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. Our new site is fully optimised for mobile and tablet, making it a great experience on a desktop screen and other devices on-the-go. We are aware that some features are still missing, and errors may occur, but we promise you that we are working on it! We value your feedback We'd love to know what you think of our new site! Please give us your feedback. If you need assistance finding anything, please contact us.
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